Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The end of Gilgamesh

The Relationship of Mankind to the Gods:  Consider the creation and death of Enkidu and Utnapishtim’s story of the flood (and the aftermath).  What do these episodes tell us about the relationship between the gods and human beings? How, if at all, do Exceptional human beings differ from ordinary ones in this regard? 

     Both of these episodes tell us that the gods will do and can do whatever they want. Since the flood was started by the gods, it shows us that they didn't care that they were going to kill humans. Even though the god Ea, went and told the fence about the gods plan, showing that he maybe cared for the humans. Then with Enkidu dying, he killed humbaba and the bull, which angered the gods. The gods punished Gilgamesh by killing him, meaning that they didn't care how he would feel about losing his 'brother'. I feel that exceptional human beings differ in how they act from ordinary ones. The gods are so powerful and can accomplish anything and the ordinary people have to try much harder and don't have the power that the gods do.

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